Recorded webinars and workshops
The information provided by the speakers on this webpage is published in good faith and for general informational and training purposes only. They do not constitute legal interpretation or professional/medical advice about Cytognos’ products. You should not rely upon the material or information on the website as a basis for making any clinical decisions.
Clinical value of measurable residual disease assessment in multiple mieloma
In recent years, Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) assessment in Multiple Myeloma (MM) has gained increasing relevance. New drugs and treatment strategies have emerged and have significantly modified the way we approach the disease. In this webinar, Juan Flores-Montero, MD, PhD analyzes the bases of MRD detection in MM patients with available methodologies, discusses the clinically useful information that MRD provides and how MRD testing can be incorporated in routine clinical practice and shows recent advances and new opportunities in the field of Multiple Myeloma patient monitoring.
Lymphocyte Screening Tube: Algorithms for reflex-on testing to ensure an efficient workflow and cost-effective approach
The EuroFlow Lymphocyte Screening Tube (LST) is a 12-parameter / 8-color flow cytometry test to investigate the lymphocyte populations.
At UHN Hospital, Dr. Tierens developed a comprehensive analysis template that allows the systematic review of the antigen expression profiles of T-, B-, NK-cells and the quantitation of the leukocyte subsets. She also utilizes algorithms covering the range of abnormal results to guide subsequent analysis steps for the diagnosis of Chronic Lymphoproliferative Disorders.
Dissecting the heterogeneity of Common Variable Immunodeficiencies using flow cytometry
Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) is one of the most frequently diagnosed primary immunodeficiencies. In this webinar, Martín Pérez Andrés, PhD reviews flow cytometry methods for deep immune profiling as well as the B-cell and T-cell defects in CVID patients and the correlation of the immune phenotype with the clinical manifestations of CVID.
Masterclass – Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el estudio de Discrasias de Células Plasmáticas
Las neoplasias de células plasmáticas son un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades caracterizadas por la expansión de células plasmáticas clonales como resultado de múltiples lesiones genéticas acumulativas.
La utilidad clínica de la citometría de flujo se basa en la identificación, cuantificación y caracterización de células plasmáticas en las diferentes fases de la enfermedad para el diagnóstico, pronóstico y evaluación de la enfermedad mínima residual.
El Dr. Alejandro Berkovits, en colaboración con Cytognos y la Clínica Bupa Santiago, en esta sesión nos enseña en profundidad este tipo de patologías y profundiza en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de discrasias de células plasmáticas a través de la citometría de flujo de nueva generación.
The added value of a screening step in flow cytometry. Much more than a single tube
T-cell immunotherapy evaluation
In this webinar we present a new 7-colour panel for the identification of different subpopulations of naïve and memory T-cells, T cell subsets tube, where the FITC channel is free to include specific protein or markers. Taking full advantage of this panel you could monitor oncologic patients as well as measure the response to vaccines or infections. In addition, in a similar manner, the free FITC channel could be used to evaluate immunotherapies (e.g. for the separation of CAR T cells from the endogenous T cells).
Forty years of MRD. A review of flow cytometry as an advanced technique for acute B lymphoblastic leukemia monitoring
The impact of minimal residual disease in acute leukemia is well established in patient outcome.
In this webinar, our guest speaker Evan Jensen, will review the evolution of clinical flow cytometry for the evaluation of minimal residual disease (MRD) in acute leukemia over the years. He will also describe the clinical relevance of MRD, current state-of-the-art methodology and the most important technical aspects to perform a good flow cytometry measurement.
Your cheat sheet for smarter Clinical Flow Cytometry testing
In this webinar is presented the standardized EuroFlow™ method: the only clinically-validated approach for onco-hematology that covers all steps of the flow cytometry assay – from sample handling to clinical reporting. In this webinar, you will learn how to overcome the current challenges in the clinical flow cytometry laboratory, with a focus on minimal residual disease testing and new panel design and validation and why standardization is the way to ensure consistency and reliability of results.
[email protected]
Speaker: Arantxa Huarriz (Product Specialist at Cytognos S.L.)
i[email protected]
Speaker: Guadalupe Fernández (Product Specialist at Cytognos S.L.)
[email protected]
Speaker: Irene González (US and Canada Key Account Manager at Cytognos S.L.)
EuroFlow™ Primary Immunodeficiency panels: a powerful tool for diagnostic patient care
Primary immunodeficiencies (PID) are hereditary disorders where cell types can be absent, decreased or dysfunctional. The majority of PID patients have a defect in the lymphoid system, involving B- and/or T-cells alone or in combination with other cells.
In this webinar, Tomas Kalina will explain the role of flow cytometry in the diagnostics of PID, how to perform severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) screening by cytometry and what is the expected immunophenotypical changes in PID.
Clinical value of advanced software tools for the routine workflow in a pediatric center
It is imperative that laboratories offer accurate and reliable results through well standardized technical processes by establishing rigorous operating procedures.
In this webinar, Elaine Sobral da Costa explains how to perform differential diagnosis of acute leukemia, evaluate ALL MRD and immunodeficiency, and how to design and validate new panels.
Flow cytometric diagnosis of acute leukemia with the Acute Leukemia Orientation Tube [DUTCH]
Experience with MM MRD in our clinical laboratory: theory and practice
The level of minimal residual disease (MRD) is paramount to link the depth of response and long-term outcome. Recent advances in treatment demand a more sensitive response criteria which includes MRD evaluation. Therefore, MRD has been defined as one of the best surrogate markers to predict overall survival and accelerate the approval of new therapies in Multiple Myeloma (MM).
In this webinar, Mantas Radzevičius explain the experience with MM MRD in his clinical laboratory, from a theoretical and practical perspective.
Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el Diagnóstico y Seguimiento de Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda
Las leucemias agudas comprenden un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades malignas caracterizadas por la expansión clonal de precursores hematopoyéticos inmuaduros. La leucemia linfoblástica aguda es uno de los cuatro tipos principales de leucemia y consiste en un aumento de linfoblastos como consecuencia de la transformación maligna de una célula progenitora linfoide. La citometría de flujo tiene un papel fundamental en el diagnóstico de las leucemias linfoides agudas basado en la caracterización del linaje celular y la evaluación inmunofenotípica de las células leucémicas. ¿Te gustaría saber más acerca de esta metodología tan avanzada y conocer sus beneficios?
En esta ocasión, el Dr. Alejandro Berkovits profundizará en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la leucemia linfoblástica aguda a través de la citometría de flujo de nueva generación, explorando diferentes casos usando las estrategias de análisis estandarizadas del software Infinicyt™ 2.0.
Impact of Standardized Flow Cytometry Protocols on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Acute Leukemias
Acute leukemia is a heterogeneous group of disease reflecting stem cell of origin, capacity of maturation and commitment to a specific lineage. Leukemic cells may show early or minimal differentiation and some diagnostic entities can easily be confused with others because of their atypical immunophenotype.
Entities associated with a poor prognosis can be misdiagnosed as acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation (AML-M0) if proper immunophenotyping panels are not routinely performed. In this webinar, Rafik Terra will explain how the use of the EuroFlow™ standardized approach has the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy of rare entities like BPDCN and ETP-ALL.
Impact de la méthode standardisée EuroFlow sur la précision du diagnostic des leucémies aiguës
Les leucémies aiguës originant de cellules immatures du système hématopoïétique capables de maturation et de différenciation forment un groupe de maladies hétérogène. La classification des leucémies aiguës peut s’avérer laborieuse lorsque les blastes ne démontrent que des signes précoces ou minimes de différenciation.
Certaines entités peuvent être méprises pour des leucémies myéloïdes aiguës avec différenciation minimale (LMA M0) lorsque des panels d’immunophénotypage non exhaustifs sont utilisés. Lors de ce webinaire, Rafik Terra décrira la comparaison d’une approche de cytométrie de flux non standardisée avec l’approche standardisée EuroFlow™. Cette étude a évalué l’impact de l’approche EuroFlow sur la précision du diagnostic des leucémies aiguës et particulièrement des leucémies aiguës peu différenciées.
Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el Diagnóstico de Leucemia Mieloide Aguda
¿Qué sabemos acerca de la citometría de flujo de nueva generación en el diagnóstico de la Leucemia Mieloide Aguda? ¿Te gustaría conocer más acerca de esta metodología tan avanzada y conocer sus beneficios?
En colaboración con Cytognos y la Universidad Mayor, Inmunocel y la Clínica Bupa Santiago han organizado esta clase magistral, presentada por el Dr. Alejandro Berkovits, quien nos hablará sobre el diagnóstico de las leucemias agudas mieloides a través de la citometría de flujo de nueva generación. Además, durante esta clase el Dr. Berkovits realizará un análisis en vivo utilizando el software Infinicyt™ 2.0 para aprender a identificar, a través de las distintas herramientas, las distintas poblaciones celulares, así como también a analizar aquellos fenotipos aberrantes.
Implementación de una metodología estandardizada para el estudio de enfermedades oncohematológicas. Experiencia en el HUCA
La citometría de flujo es una herramienta muy poderosa para la evaluación de patologías oncohematológicas. Esta tecnología ha experimentado una gran evolución a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas traduciéndose en un mayor número de láseres, colores, marcadores y conjugados. Estos avances han permitido que la técnica sea cada vez más potente, pero al mismo tiempo, el manejo de las muestras, de los datos y el análisis se ha vuelto mucho más complejo. En este sentido, la calidad de los resultados que obtiene un laboratorio de citometría de flujo clínica, no puede depender de la experiencia del usuario o del analizador y tienen que ser objetivos, fiables y reproducibles a lo largo del tiempo para poder sacar el máximo partido a los avances tecnológicos.
En este webinar, el Dr. Enrique Colado tratará los retos y desafíos a los que se enfrentan los laboratorios clínicos de citometría, así como los aspectos más relevantes en su resolución. Hará hincapié en la importancia de la estandarización de un laboratorio clínico de citometría y cómo llevarla a cabo, así como la aplicabilidad de protocolos estrictos a nivel preanalítico, analítico y postanalítico.
Capabilities of the flow cytometric OX40 assay to determine specific SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses
The adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 includes specific antibody and T cell responses. The identification of a subpopulation of specific CD4 effector T cells that present the activation markers CD134 (OX40) and CD25 on their surface, which can be detected and quantified by flow cytometry after incubating blood with mitogens and/or specific antigens of pathogens to study, has demonstrated its utility in other infections
In this webinar, Eduardo López Granados, MD, PhD and Luz Yadira Bravo Gallego, MD explain their preliminary experience as an Immunology laboratory in the setting-up of the OX40 assay for the identification of CD4+ T cell specific responses to SARS-CoV-2 peptides, together with its ongoing application to determine the extent and characteristics of the response to natural infection and vaccination.
The role of Flow Cytometry in the laboratory approach of Primary Immunodeficiency
Monitoring Multiple myeloma by Next Generation Flow
In this workshop, our colleague Irene González Barahona (Key Account Manager from East Coast – US and Canada) presents Cytognos Next Generation Flow solution for MM MRD assays which allows for a highly sensitive and effective detection of abnormal plasma cells at very low levels, provides information about sample quality (hemodilution) and bone marrow regeneration after therapy.
This workshop was first displayed at ICCS 2020. Watch this video to learn how you can improve the care of patients with Multiple Myeloma by using this complete flow approach.
Why changing from manual to automated analysis of the LST tube?
The EuroFlow™ Lymphoid Screening tube (LST) was designed to identify the major T and B-cell subsets, in addition to NK-cells, monocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. In the context of hemato-oncology and multiparametric flow cytometry, the classical expert-guided manual gating strategies based on bi-variate dot plots to identify aberrant and residual normal cell populations has become suboptimal in routine diagnosis.
In this webinar, Maria Arroz will address an alternative approach based on automated gating and classification algorithms.
Infinicyt™ Security and Logging
In this workshop, our colleague Irene González Barahona (Key Account Manager from East Coast – US and Canada) presents Infinicyt™ security features to ensure traceability and security of your patient data such as User Access Control, Password-protected Files, Audit Trails and Electronic Signatures.
This workshop was first displayed at ICCS 2020. Watch this video to learn how Infinicyt software can help you meeting regulatory compliance and standards requirements of your clinical laboratory (FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulation & ISO 15189:2003).
Monitoring Circulating Plasma Cells in routine diagnostics in Multiple Myeloma
Next Generation Flow Cytometry (NGFC) plays an important role in diagnostics, providing a highly sensitive method to generate reliable data of clinical relevance in different plasma cell (PC) dyscrasias. Recent studies showed the presence of MM tumor malignant cells in peripheral blood, which can be detected and quantified by using NGFC, providing additional prognostic information.
In this webinar, Dr. Paula Tabares will describe the flow-based method for detection of CTPC in peripheral blood and the benefit of assessing CTPC in the clinical routine.
Update on Flow Cytometry: Leukaemia and Immunotherapy
In this webinar Jordi Petriz will discuss state-of-the-art flow technology and its impact on Immunotherapy and Leukemia evaluations. Functional Cytomics allow for the discovery and characterization of new cell subpopulations, mechanisms of resistance to immunotherapy and chemotherapy; and multiplexed evaluations for detecting malignant clones at a single-cell level.
Blood Monocyte subsets in clinical practice
Our invited speaker Daniela Damasceno will share with you why do we need to study blood monocytes by flow cytometry in clinical practice for Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and Coronary artery disease. Also, she will show other applications in tissue damage and blood monocytes reference values. Finally, you will be able to see a flow cytometry analysis of a healthy donor using Infinicyt™ 2.0 software.