Past Congresses, Meetings and Webinars

Congresses and Meetings2022-10-12 Join us for 20th biennial meeting of the ESID!
Congresses and Meetings2022-06-13 Curso virtual – Inmunofenotipificación de Leucemias por Citometría de Flujo. Del 13 al 17 de junio
Webinar2022-05-20 Webinar - Curso virtual - Análisis de datos de citometría de flujo (básico) 16 al 20 de mayo
Congresses and Meetings2022-04-27 Join us for IPIC 5th Edition!
Congresses and Meetings2022-04-25 Join us for SoCal Flow 2022!
Congresses and Meetings2022-03-14 Institute of Biomedical Science Congress 2022
Webinar2022-02-03 Webinar - Valor clínico de la evaluación de Enfermedad Residual en Mieloma Múltiple 7:00 PM CET
Congresses and Meetings2021-12-06 Global Engage Flow Cytometry Congress
Webinar2021-11-30 Webinar - Clinical value of measurable residual disease assessment in multiple myeloma - 11:00AM (PST), 2:00PM (EST)
Congresses and Meetings2021-11-19 III Jornadas médicas sobre patologías mastocitarias
Congresses and Meetings2021-11-17 Flowcytometry UK 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-11-11 10th ESLHO Symposium
Webinar2021-11-09 Webinar - Lymphocyte Screening Tube: Algorithms for reflex-on testing to ensure an efficient workflow and cost-effective approach - 1 PM EST
Congresses and Meetings2021-11-09 II Congreso Virtual Iberoamericano de Citometría de Flujo
Congresses and Meetings2021-11-08 e-Flow Colombia Modulo 7
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-28 XI Congreso de Citometría de Flujo
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-26 MetroFlow 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-18 CYTOWEEK 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-11 e-Flow Colombia Modulo 6
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-08 ICCS 2021 - 36th International Clinical Cytometry Meeting & Course
Congresses and Meetings2021-10-02 11th International Conference Analytical Cytometry
Webinar2021-09-29 Webinar - Dissecting the heterogeneity of Common Variable Immunodeficiencies using flow cytometry - 5 PM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2021-09-29 4º Curso Práctico Citometría de Flujo
Webinar2021-09-28 Webinar - Diseccionando la heterogeneidad de la Inmunodeficiencia Común Variable mediante citometría de flujo - 5 PM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2021-09-16 CYTIMA 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-09-14 GLIIFCA 30th Annual Meeting
Webinar2021-09-06 Webinar - How to take full advantage of multiparametric analysis - 1 PM CEST
Webinar2021-09-03 Webinar - How to take full advantage of multiparametric analysis - 1 PM CEST
Webinar2021-08-05 Webinar - T cell immunotherapy evaluation - 1 PM EST
Webinar2021-07-30 Webinar Masterclass - Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el estudio de Discrasias de Células Plasmáticas - 9 PM GMT
Webinar2021-07-27 Webinar - The added value of a screening step in flow cytometry. Much more than a single tube. - 7 PM CEST
Webinar2021-07-27 Webinar - The added value of a screening step in flow cytometry. Much more than a single tube. - 11 AM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2021-07-21 CIS Diagnostic school 2021
Webinar2021-07-20 Webinar - Looking for a Flow Cytometer that is fully CE-IVD certified, has specialist MRD capabilities, and is ideal for clinical flow standardization? Look no further. - 11 AM BST
Webinar2021-07-06 Webinar - T-cell immunotherapy evaluation - 5 PM AEST
Congresses and Meetings2021-07-06 Immuno Week
Webinar2021-06-29 Webinar - Forty years of MRD. A review of flow cytometry as an advanced technique for acute B lymphoblastic leukemia monitoring - 7 PM CEST
Webinar2021-06-29 Webinar - Forty years of MRD. A review of flow cytometry as an advanced technique for acute B lymphoblastic leukemia monitoring - 11 AM CEST
Webinar2021-06-23 Webinar - Your cheat sheet for smarter Clinical Flow Cytometry testing - 3 PM SAST
Congresses and Meetings2021-06-14 XXXIX GIC - Web conference
Congresses and Meetings2021-06-14 XVII Congress of the Iberian Society of Cytometry - SIC 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-05-29 Join us at the 11th Panhellenic Cytometry Conference!
Webinar2021-05-27 Webinar - How Infinicyt™ can help clinical laboratories to comply with regulatory and accreditation requirements - 9 AM GMT
Webinar2021-05-25 Webinar - EuroFlow™ Primary Immunodeficiency panels: a powerful tool for diagnostic patient care - 9 AM GMT
Webinar2021-05-25 Webinar - EuroFlow™ Primary Immunodeficiency panels: a powerful tool for diagnostic patient care - 5 PM GMT
Congresses and Meetings2021-05-21 Cytometry Academic Month May 2021!
Congresses and Meetings2021-05-19 V Congresso ISSCA 2021
Congresses and Meetings2021-05-10 e-Flow Colombia 2021
Webinar2021-05-05 Webinar - Your cheat sheet for smarter Clinical Flow Cytometry testing - 5 PM AEST
Webinar2021-04-28 Webinar - Bench to bedside: transitioning MRD NGF from research to CAP/CLIA accredited environment - 1 PM EST
Webinar2021-04-27 Webinar - Clinical value of advanced software tools for the routine workflow in a pediatric center - 5 PM GMT
Webinar2021-04-27 Webinar - Clinical value of advanced software tools for the routine workflow in a pediatric center - 9 AM GMT
Congresses and Meetings2021-04-22 ESCCA Virtual Conference 2021
Webinar2021-04-15 Webinar - Flowcytometrische diagnostiek van acute leukemie met de Acute Leukemia Orientation Tube - 11 AM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2021-04-14 CIS 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
Webinar2021-03-30 Webinar - Experience with MM MRD in our clinical laboratory: theory and practice – 9 AM GMT
Webinar2021-03-30 Webinar - Experience with MM MRD in our clinical laboratory: theory and practice – 5 PM GMT
Webinar2021-03-26 Webinar Masterclass - Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el Diagnóstico y Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda - 8:00 PM GMT
Webinar2021-03-25 Webinar - Impact of Standardized Flow Cytometry Protocols on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Acute Leukemias - 3 PM GMT
Webinar2021-03-23 Webinar - Impact de la méthode standardisée EuroFlow sur la précision du diagnostic des leucémies aiguës - 3 PM GMT
Webinar2021-03-09 Webinar with Cedarlane - Your cheat sheet for smarter Clinical Flow Cytometry testing (2021/03/09 - 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST)
Webinar2021-02-26 Webinar Masterclass - Citometría de Flujo de Nueva Generación en el Diagnóstico de Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (2021/02/26) – 9:00 PM CET
Webinar2021-02-25 Webinar - Implementación de una metodología estandardizada para el estudio de enfermedades oncohematológicas. Experiencia en el HUCA. (2021/02/25) – 4:30 PM CET
Webinar2021-02-16 Webinar - Capabilities of the flow cytometric OX40 assay to determine specific SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses (2021/02/16) – 7:00 PM CET
Webinar2021-02-16 Webinar - Capabilities of the flow cytometric OX40 assay to determine specific SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses (2021/02/16) – 11:00 AM CET
Webinar2021-01-26 Webinar - The role of Flow Cytometry in the laboratory approach of Primary Immunodeficiency (2021/01/26) – 7:00 PM CET
Webinar2021-01-26 Webinar - The role of Flow Cytometry in the laboratory approach of Primary Immunodeficiency (2021/01/26) – 11:00 AM CET
Webinar2020-11-26 Webinar - Why changing from manual to automated analysis of the LST tube? (2020/11/26) – 7:00 PM CET
Webinar2020-11-26 Webinar - Why changing from manual to automated analysis of the LST tube? (2020/11/26) – 11:00 AM CET
Congresses and Meetings2020-11-25 Najaarscongres NVC/SKML 2020
Congresses and Meetings2020-11-23 Curso virtual Teórico-Prático de Citometria de Fluxo 2020, Portugal
Congresses and Meetings2020-11-09 1er Congreso Virtual Iberoamericano de Citometría 2020
Webinar2020-10-29 Webinar - Monitoring Circulating Plasma Cells in routine diagnostics in Multiple Myeloma (2020/10/29) - 7:00 PM CET
Webinar2020-10-29 Webinar - Monitoring Circulating Plasma Cells in routine diagnostics in Multiple Myeloma (2020/10/29) - 11:00 AM CET
Congresses and Meetings2020-10-14 ESID 2020, 19th Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies
Webinar2020-09-29 Webinar - Update on Flow Cytometry: Leukaemia and Immunotherapy (2020/09/29) - 7:00 PM CEST
Webinar2020-09-29 Webinar - Update on Flow Cytometry: Leukaemia and Immunotherapy (2020/09/29) - 11:00 AM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2020-09-28 2020 ICCS Virtual Meeting
Webinar2020-08-27 Webinar - Blood Monocyte subsets in clinical practice (2020/08/27) - 7:00 PM CEST
Webinar2020-08-27 Webinar - Blood Monocyte subsets in clinical practice (2020/08/27) - 11:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-07-29 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Cytognos UK for United Kingdom and Ireland - (2020/07/29) - 2:00 PM GMT+1
Webinar2020-07-28 Webinar - Immune monitoring COVID-19 by Next Generation Flow™ (2020/07/28) – 7:00 PM CEST
Webinar2020-07-28 Webinar - Immune monitoring COVID-19 by Next Generation Flow™ (2020/07/28) – 11:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-07-16 Webinar - Español - Novedades en Infinicyt™ 2.0.4 - (2020/07/16) - 4:00 PM CEST
Congresses and Meetings2020-07-15 FlowcytometryUK
Webinar2020-07-14 Webinar - English - What's new in Infinicyt™ 2.0.4 - (2020/07/14) - 7:00 PM CEST
Webinar2020-07-14 Webinar - English - What's new in Infinicyt™ 2.0.4 - (2020/07/14) - 11:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-07-14 Webinar - Spanish - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Lab Systems and Cytognos - (2020/07/14) - 9:00 AM UTC-3
Webinar2020-07-08 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Cytognos UK for United Kingdom and Ireland - (2020/07/08) - 2:00 PM GMT+1
Webinar2020-07-07 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Enco Diagnostics and Cytognos - (2020/07/07) - 10:00 AM UTC+3
Webinar2020-07-07 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Lab Systems and Cytognos - (2020/07/07) - 9:00 AM UTC-3
Webinar2020-06-30 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Lab Systems and Cytognos - (2020/06/30) - 9:00 AM UTC-3
Webinar2020-06-30 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Med Tech Trading and Cytognos - (2020/06/30) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-26 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with with Sanbio and Cytognos - (2020/06/26) - 10:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-06-25 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Med Tech Trading and Cytognos - (2020/06/25) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-25 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Mobius Life Science and Cytognos - (2020/06/25) - 11:00 AM GMT-3
Webinar2020-06-24 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with BIOCOM Africa and Cytognos - (2020/06/24) - 10:30 AM SAST
Webinar2020-06-23 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Master In Vitro Diagnóstica and Cytognos - (2020/06/23) - 5:00 PM GMT
Webinar2020-06-19 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Sanbio and Cytognos - (2020/06/19) - 10:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-06-18 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Nordic Biosite and Cytognos - (2020/06/18) - 01:30 PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-18 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Med Tech Trading and Cytognos - (2020/06/18) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-18 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Mobius Life Science and Cytognos - (2020/06/18) - 11:00 AM GMT-3
Webinar2020-06-17 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Cytognos UK for United Kingdom and Ireland - (2020/06/17) - 2:00 PM GMT+1
Webinar2020-06-17 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Nordic Biosite and Cytognos - (2020/06/17) - 01:30 PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-17 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with BIOCOM Africa and Cytognos - (2020/06/17) - 10:30 AM SAST
Webinar2020-06-17 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Master In Vitro Diagnóstica and Cytognos - (2020/06/17) - 5:00 PM GMT
Webinar2020-06-17 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Biospecifix and Cytognos - (2020/06/17) - 2:30 PM AWST/HK
Webinar2020-06-16 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Bioleague and Cytognos - (2020/06/16) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-15 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Nordic Biosite and Cytognos - (2020/06/15) - 01:30 PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-12 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Sanbio and Cytognos - (2020/06/12) - 10:00 AM CEST
Webinar2020-06-10 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with BIOCOM Africa and Cytognos - (2020/06/10) - 10:30 AM SAST
Webinar2020-06-10 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Mobius Life Science and Cytognos - (2020/06/10) - 11:00 AM GMT-3
Webinar2020-06-10 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Biospecifix and Cytognos - (2020/06/10) - 2:30 PM AWST/HK
Webinar2020-06-09 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Master In Vitro Diagnóstica and Cytognos - (2020/06/09) - 5:00 PM GMT
Webinar2020-06-09 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with Bioleague and Cytognos - (2020/06/09) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-09 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with I.T.A. and Cytognos - (2020/06/09) - 1:00PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-03 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Biospecifix and Cytognos - (2020/06/03) - 2:30 PM AWST/HK
Webinar2020-06-02 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with Bioleague and Cytognos - (2020/06/02) - 3:30PM CEST
Webinar2020-06-02 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP-ALL MRD case with Infinicyt™ software with I.T.A. and Cytognos - (2020/06/02) - 1:00PM CEST
Webinar2020-05-26 Webinar - Getting started with Infinicyt™ software with I.T.A. and Cytognos - (2020/05/26) - 1:00PM CEST
Webinar2020-04-15 Webinar - How to analyze a MM MRD case with Infinicyt 2.0 software (2020/04/15) - 11:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM CST / 2:00 PM EST
Webinar2020-04-08 Webinar - How to analyze a BCP ALL MRD case with Infinicyt 2.0 software (2020/04/08) - 11:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM CST / 2:00 PM EST
Webinar2020-04-01 Webinar – Getting started with Infinicyt 2.0 software (2020/04/01) – 11:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM CST / 2:00 PM EST
Congresses and Meetings2020-01-13 CCEN 2020 - 9th Practical Clinical Cytometry Course
Congresses and Meetings2019-12-05 2nd AlpenFlow
Congresses and Meetings2019-11-19 Joint congress Dutch Society for Cytometry (NVC) SKML-section IMCD & Belgian Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (BSAC)
Congresses and Meetings2019-11-06 4th edition of the International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress (IPIC)
Webinar2019-10-31 Webinar - Infinicyt™ tips and tricks (2019/10/31)
Webinar2019-10-29 Webinar - Infinicyt™ tips and tricks (2019/10/29)
Congresses and Meetings2019-10-04 ICCS 2019, the 34th International Clinical Cytometry Meeting & Course.
Webinar2019-09-19 Webinar - Get started with Infinicyt™ software (2019/10/19)
Congresses and Meetings2019-09-18 23ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Cytométrie (AFC)
Congresses and Meetings2019-09-18 European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) 2019
Congresses and Meetings2019-09-18 European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) 2019
Webinar2019-09-17 Webinar - Get started with Infinicyt™ software (2019/09/17)
Congresses and Meetings2019-09-12 17th International Myeloma Workshop
Webinar2019-07-25 Webinar - NGF solution for Primary Immunodeficiencies and Immune Monitoring (2019/07/25)
Webinar2019-07-23 Webinar - NGF solution for Primary Immunodeficiencies and Immune Monitoring (2019/07/23)
Webinar2019-07-04 Webinar - NGF Solution for the screening of CLPD: LST Reference Database (2019/07/04)
Webinar2019-07-02 Webinar - NGF Solution for the screening of CLPD: LST Reference Database (2019/07/02)
Congresses and Meetings2019-06-22 CYTO 2019, 34th Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry
Congresses and Meetings2019-06-18 Voorjaarsbespreking van SKML sectie IMCD
Congresses and Meetings2019-05-30 41 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Inmunologia (SEI)
Congresses and Meetings2019-05-09 XVI Congress of the Iberian Society of Cytometry (SIC)
Congresses and Meetings2019-05-09 ISLH 2019, XXXII International Symposium on Technical Innovations in Laboratory Hematology
Webinar2019-04-25 Webinar - NGF for BCP-ALL MRD: live analysis with Infinicyt™ (2019/04/25)
Webinar2019-04-23 Webinar - NGF for BCP-ALL MRD: live analysis with Infinicyt™ (2019/04/23)
Webinar2019-04-11 Webinar - Omnicyt™: CE-IVD NGF solution for MM Assessment (2019/04/11)
Webinar2019-04-09 Webinar - Omnicyt™: CE-IVD NGF solution for MM Assessment (2019/04/09)
Congresses and Meetings2019-03-08 IX Meeting of GPIP – Grupo Português de Imunodeficiências Primárias
Congresses and Meetings2019-03-07 Joint Annual Symposium – 23th IGLD Annual Symposium
Webinar2019-02-21 Webinar - Definitive guide for optimal results in MM MRD studies (2019/02/21)
Webinar2019-02-19 Webinar - Definitive guide for optimal results in MM MRD studies (2019/02/19)
Webinar2019-01-31 Webinar - Take advantage of your Infinicyt™ Profile! (2019/01/31)
Webinar2019-01-29 Webinar - Take advantage of your Infinicyt™ Profile! (2019/01/29)
Category Date Title
Congresses and Meetings 2018-11-21 Jaarlijks congres 2018 – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Cytometrie & SKML sectie IMCD
Zwolle, Nederland
Congresses and Meetings 2018-10-24 ESID Meetings – 18th Biennial Meeting 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Congresses and Meetings 2018-10-17 AFC 2018, Lyon, France
Congresses and Meetings 2018-10-29 ICCS 2018 – 33rd Annual Clinical Cytometry Meeting and Course, Portland, Oregon, USA
Congresses and Meetings 2018-09-13 ESCCA 2018, Valencia, Spain
Congresses and Meetings 2018-09-02 ECI 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Congresses and Meetings 2018-07-18 FlowcytometryUK 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland
Congresses and Meetings 2018-05-21 5th Prague School on Flow Cytometry, Prague, Czech Republic
Congresses and Meetings 2018-05-14 XII Congresso of the Latin American Association of Immunology, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Congresses and Meetings 2018-05-10 SLH 2018, Brussels, Belgium